Succession & Exit Planning

There’s no doubt that a business groomed for sale will achieve you a higher value.  Buyers evaluating your business will generally require at least three years' worth of financial and other information so planning for exit from at least three years beforehand is strongly recommended. 

Demonstrating a strong sales strategy with growing or consistent profitability and ensuring the right team and processes are in place for the future will help you to gain the maximum price possible.  At the date of exit the business should ideally be able to operate effectively without your day to day involvement and this can often take significant time and careful strategic planning to put into effect.

Why work with us

Our experienced team can help support you through this process, helping you with all aspects from simply getting the books in order and providing a sound business valuation to guiding you through the sale process and helping you to maximise value.

We’d be happy to have a chat about how we can help your business.  For an initial free consultation, please call us on 0151 625 2250 or email us at [email protected].